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San Francisco Sheriff's Captain Kevin Paulson (C) and Eliana Lopez, wife of San Francisco Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi (R), cheer with a group of inmates after dancing together in opposition of violence against women in a One Billion Rising event at the San Francisco County Jail #5 on Valentine's Day in San Bruno, California February 14, 2013. The event, with participants from 250 countries performing a choreographed dance routine on a day associated with romantic love, aims to raise awareness about violence against women in which one in three women across the globe will be raped or beaten in their lifetime. | r05.jpg

San Francisco Sheriff's Captain Kevin Paulson (C) and Eliana Lopez, wife of San Francisco Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi (R), cheer with a group of inmates after dancing together in opposition of violence against women in a One Billion Rising event at the San Francisco County Jail #5 on Valentine's Day in San Bruno, California February 14, 2013. The event, with participants from 250 countries performing a choreographed dance routine on a day associated with romantic love, aims to raise awareness about violence against women in which one in three women across the globe will be raped or beaten in their lifetime.

San Francisco Sheriff's Captain Kevin Paulson (C) and Eliana Lopez, wife of San Francisco Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi (R), cheer with a group of inmates after dancing together in opposition of violence against women in a One Billion Rising event at the San Francisco County Jail #5 on Valentine's Day in San Bruno, California February 14, 2013. The event, with participants from 250 countries performing a choreographed dance routine on a day associated with romantic love, aims to raise awareness about violence against women in which one in three women across the globe will be raped or beaten in their lifetime.
